
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Briar Knight (Cavalier)


Briar Knight (Archetype)

By Frank Gori


A wise knight knows that strength is not just holding firm like an oak, it also means bending like a willow. Briar knights follow the natural order and partner with a plant companion rather than a noble steed.


Briar knights have the following class features:


Briar-bound (Ex)

At 1st level, a briar knight forms a companion bond with a crawling vine plant companion that he wears as armor. At first level this armor grants a +5 armor bonus to AC, which increases by an additional +2 for every three cavalier levels. Serving as living armor the vine can move independent of the cavalier and does not encumber the briar knight in any way.

Unlike a normal armor, the briar armor has the statistics of the plant companion crawling vine using the briar knight’s level as his effective druid level. If for any reason the briar knight is not wearing the briar armor, it can move independently and advances like any other companion keeping it’s normal natural AC when independent of the briar knight. 

When serving as armor, the briars can take one action during its master’s turn as long as the master is engaged in melee. They may make a single attack, a disarm attempt, or grapple attempt to a foe within 5ft of the wearer. If the briars grapple, they leave the master and he loses the benefit of wearing his armor.


If the vine armor is killed while the briar knight is wearing the creature, the briars acts as wooden armor and confers only half the normal AC bonus it would normally and the wearer becomes vulnerable to fire. This wooden armor rots away after a week. If the briar armor is slain while separated from its master it cannot be worn as armor. The briar knight must spent a week growing new armor in terrain that supports plant life to replace lost or deceased briar armor..

For the purpose of being targeted for spells, the briars are treated as armor when worn, as an independent creature when separated from it’s host. The briars cannot be permanently enchanted like normal armor though it can have permanent enchantments via permanency.


This ability replaces the mount ability.


Tanglevine strike (Su)

At 3rd level, a briar knight may, as a standard action, extend a 15-ft. vine from the briar armor and make a single disarm or trip combat maneuver. If a trip attempt is made outside the target’s reach the briar knight does not risk of being tripped in return if the trip attempt fails by 10 or more. This attack is made with the vine’s base attack bonus added to the briar-bound knight’s for the purpose for calculating the CMB.


This ability replaces the mounted charge ability.


Thorn Burst (Su)

At 4th level, as a swift action you can cause sharp thorns to explode outward from your armor. These splinters deal 1d6 points of piercing damage per two briar knight levels (minimum 1d6) to all creatures within a 10-foot radius. A Reflex save halves this damage. The Reflex save DC is 10 + 1/2 the briar-knight’s class level + his Charisma Modifier. In addition, the sharp splinters count as caltrops in the area until the briar knight’s next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.


This ability replaces expert trainer.


Photosynthetic Healing (Ex)

At 5th level, a briar knight feeds upon nature’s raw essence. The need to eat and sleep is reduced as if wearing a ring of sustenance, and the briar-knight and his briars gain fast healing 1 when in daylight. At 14th level this increases to fast healing 3.


This ability replaces banner and greater banner.


Rooting (Su)

At 9th level, a briar knight can, as a move action, extend roots into the ground. The briar knight’s speed is reduced to 5 feet, but he gain a +2 bonus to natural armor and a +10 bonus to CMD against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip maneuvers. He also gains tremorsense with a range of 30 ft. He can use this power for a number of minutes per day equal to his briar knight level. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be used in one minute increments.


This ability replaces mighty charge.


Oaken Heart (Su)

At 20th level the briar knight gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and the Plant subtype.


This ability replaces Supreme Charge.

Shield Maiden (Cavalier)


Shieldmaiden (Archetype)

The common wisdom is that offense is the best defense and that it is weak to yield. Like the Valkyries they emulate, shield maidens stand in defiance of the mightiest foe ready to ward away the best blows a foe has to offer.


Shieldmaidens have the following class features:


Valkyrie’s Gaze (Sp)

At 1st level a shieldmaiden can use a swift action to cast deathwatch as a spell like ability. This is Charisma based using the Shield maiden’s level as caster level. A shieldmaiden may use this ability a number of times equal to her charisma modifier.


This ability replaces Tactician


Shield of Resolution (Ex)

At 1st level a shieldmaiden gains the feat Shield Focus and can apply her shield bonus to all saves. In addition, the shield maiden’s class levels count as fighter levels for any feat that involves the use of a shield.


This ability replaces the mount class feature.


Guarded Tactician (Su)

At 3rd level a shieldmaiden gains a teamwork feat and the ability to share it exactly like the tactician ability gained by a regular cavalier at 1st level.


This ability replaces the mounted charge ability.


Jarring Riposte (Ex)

At 4th level whenever a shieldmaiden is missed within the margin of her shield bonus she may counter attack as an immediate action with a shield bash.


This ability replaces Expert Trainer.


My Shield is my Banner (Ex)

At 5th level the shieldmaiden gains the banner ability. Her shield, when wielded, counts as her banner.


This ability modifies Banner.


Uncanny Shield (Ex)

At 9th level a shieldmaiden gains the uncanny dodge class feature but only when she is wielding her shield.

This ability delays Greater Tactician to 11th level and replaces Mighty Charge.


Indomitable Shield

At 20th level, once per round the shieldmaiden can simply block the first melee or ranged strike that would normally hit, negating the damage. She also gains the effects of Greater Uncanny Dodge as long as she is wielding her shield.


This ability replaces Supreme Charge.

Cavalier Archetype: Chitin Rider

Intended for our eventual release: Tongue of the Grippli

Chitin Rider (Cavalier)

Perhaps it is a form of grippli humor to change drastically their relationship with some of the large and dangerous arthropod predators they share the jungle with, or simple practicality.  Whichever is true, none can argue with the grace of a dragonfly’s flight, or the fierce hunting skill of the centipede.  Both of which chitin riders have put to their own advantage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Chitin riders are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor, and  with shields (except tower shields). 

This modifies the cavalier’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Insect Tamer: At 1st level, a chitin rider gains Monstrous Mount as a bonus feat. The chitin rider can use this feat only to select a giant centipede or giant dragonfly mount. Regardless of which the chitin rider chooses, the mount functions as if it possessed an intelligence score of 2, thus losing the mindless quality and follows the normal progression for a companion. 

This ability functions identically to and replaces the cavalier’s mount ability and banner.

Giant Dragonfly

Starting Statistics

Size medium; Speed 20 ft.  Fly 80 ft. (perfect); AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (2d6); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int - (2), Wis 12, Cha 9; Reach 5 ft.; Special Attacks darting charge; Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft.

4th-Level Advancement

Size Medium; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (2d8+ grab); Ability Scores Str +2 Dex +2; Special Attacks grab

Darting Charge (Ex)

A giant dragonfly is adept at swooping in to attack prey with a powerful bite and then, just as quickly, swooping back up out of reach. As a result, a giant dragonfly gains Flyby Attack as a bonus feat. In addition, if a giant dragonfly charges while flying, it receives a +4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple foes.

Giant centipede

Starting Statistics

Size medium; Speed 40 ft.  Climb 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int - (2), Wis 12, Cha 3; Reach 5 ft.; Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., can’t be tripped, +4 Perception, +8 Stealth

4th-Level Advancement

Size Medium; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 + poison); Ability Scores Str +2 Dex +2; Special Attacks Poison

Poison (EX)

Under Re-Construction Cavalier Guide

Hi all,

    We will be posting more frequently than in the past. There's loads of ground to cover but an update to the Cavalier Guide is long over due. Bear with me for a few days as there's more material to cover and we will be adding some of our Flying Pincushion Games material as a bonus!

 The intro, attribute, and race sections are already done. I'll also hyperlink some new material references once all the pages are up to date.

Happy 2022!

Best Regards,

Frank Gori/GM Solspiral