
GM_Solspiral's Updated Cavalier Guide Intro

GM_Solspiral’s Updated Player’s Guide to Cavalier’s

by GM_Solspiral/Frank Gori


There’s been a lot of material since I first posted this and I’ve played a fair amount of 3rd party builds, multi class builds and in general this 2.0 version is going to be a more detailed and comprehensive version. 

Before we get started I wish to discard the following:

-Classes without spells are subpar:

I see this a great deal on the boards, basically a class that can’t spell up is 3rd Tier somehow. Let’s start with if you’re starting at 1st level the martial classes are pretty freaking boss for the high death rate part of the game. Even with the most boringly standard build you ramp up by 5th level or so.

You get a full animal companion, a self buff, a group buff and decent out of combat options.

-Multi-classing is somehow a failure:
There are some fantastic builds that are cavalier primary (11+levels of
cavalier) that build off of dips or even fully meander into other classes
and prestige classes. These can be and still are knightly in flavor.

-Mounted combat is the only option for cavaliers:

While mounted combat is a strong choice, you can make a viable character without it. For example teamwork feats and the tactician can be amazing to build around.

That said there are a few challenges to overcome:

  1. Horses can’t fit in most dungeons or are otherwise inconvenient.

  2. Charging relies on having a clear lane.

  3. Some class features suffer if your team isn’t playing along or you cannot charge on your mount.

One last quick note:

This guide assumes that it's on d20srd, Archives of Nethys or Flying Pincushion material.  I of course recommend our Book Into The Breach: The Cavalier

I don’t play PFS as it isn’t big in my area and I’ve not had a challenge finding games to play or run in my area without PFS.

Still with me? Excellent let's get started.

The not-so-defiant-obligatory-color-coding:

Red: This is a bad option.

Yellow: This is a fair but flawed or situational option.

Green: This is a solid choice.

Blue: This is an option that is simply Awesome.

Cyan: This option borders on broken, take it if your GM will let you.

Purple indicates that the option is Blue/Green for some builds but otherwise Red/Yellow

Possible Roles:

Skirmisher is a strong option as you can charge, deliver a major lance hit, then ride by. Depending on the mount you might also be getting a gore attack or a trample. It’s more of a Samurai thing but you can also of course become a mounted archer but overall the mount feature grants a lot in the way of mobility.

Tactical Lead you buff a melee strike team and overwhelm your foes with superior tactics. This works best if you build characters with your party from the beginning and plan out working together. The larger the group the more effective this is.

Tank is a role you can fulfill well. You have access to heavy armor, shields, and d10 hp. More importantly you can share defensive teamwork abilities and come with a second set of hit points and actions. If 3rd Party allowed I can personally attest that Shield Maiden and Briar Knight are very good Tank options and I’m adding them to a separate post as an encouragement to check our books out. The 2 strongest tank characters I’ve ever played are a Shield Maiden/Paladin/Cleric and Briar Knight/Mouser/Ranger build, both of which approached AC 40 by 7th level or so.

Face is more than likely the best use of your skill points, but other classes are going to outshine you in this.

Skill Monkey 4 skill ranks per level that is easily boosted with traits, racial bonus from human, order choices and a pumped Int can certainly rack up options. You’ll most certainly have roles outside of combat and can maybe hang with the rogue on a few things but this is not your bag. Think of the extra utility as a gift with purchase. That said Cavalier mixes very well with UnRogues.

Attributes and Races
Traits, Skills, and Feats

Alternate Opinions and a few areas I didn't cover

Spirited Charging Pouncer
Knight of Shadows
Dragon Knight
Mighty Halfling

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