By Jeff Harris
Anyone who is a fan of the
Twilight Zone (the original not the remake) I hope will recall that Rod gave us characters in his work that were often very witch like. More often than not they were characters that
advised or warned the stories protagonist.
They would serve as a moral compass for the audience, and a window into
the ethical meta-plot of the episode. When they gave advice it was best heeded
and usually wise. However when they gave
warning or condemned a protagonist’s actions we as views knew the protagonist
was in the wrong and was going to learn a penitent lesson or suffer karmic
justice. Thus for your viewing and
gaming pleasure The Flying Pincushion presents a new witch patron and new hexes
that I hope do Rod Serling proud no matter the dimension.
Witch Patrons
Karma: 2nd—doom, 4th—early judgment, 6th—fractions
of heal and harm, 8th—terrible
remorse, 10th—serenity, 12th—joyful rapture, 14th—resonating word, 16th—polymorph any object, 18—imprisonment.
Curse of Baleful Irony
(Su): A witch may use this hex to
turn the weapons, tools, and possessions of the target against them and their
allies. Weapons deal their damage to
either the wielder (50% chance) or the nearest ally (50% chance) on successful
attacks, tools give the broken condition
to whatever they are used to work or create or a -4 to the skill check they
modify, and miscellaneous non magical items, excluding clothing, do the
opposite of what they are intended to do. Examples of this include, but are not
limited to, rope trips or entangle the user, a lantern blinds them, spectacles
make things blurry, a backpack opens spilling its contents, etc. The curse lasts a number of rounds equal to
half the witch’s class level. The affect
only applies to items the target tries to actively use during the hexes
duration, and that are included in this entry. A successful Will save negates this
affect. If magical weapons or tools are
wielded or used by the target of this hex, they provide a miscellaneous +4
bonus to the Will save. Armor, magical
or not, cannot be the target of this hex.
Regardless of whether the save is successful or not a creature cannot be
the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Curse of Twisted
Beauty (Su): The witch can use this
hex to cause the target to be affected by a condition similar to that of the repulsive trait of a thawn. The target of this hex finds the appearance
of themselves and others of their kind revolting. All creatures matching the targets race(s)
and or types/subtypes within 30 feet of the uncloaked target must make a DC 15 Will
save or be sickened for 1 round. This repulsion is all the more severe if the
target sees its own reflection. Should the target of this hex be confronted
with its own reflection (such as being presented with a mirror) it must make a
DC 15 Will save or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. For the purposes of applying this hex a
creature belonging to more than one race or type/subtype (half-elves,
tieflings, aasimars, half-orcs, hybrid monsters, etc) apply the affect to all races
or types/subtypes to which they belong for the purposes of whom their
appearance sickens. This hex lasts for a
number of rounds equal to half of the witch’s class level. A Will save negates this affect. Regardless of whether or not the save is successful
a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Major Hexes
Karmic Fate (Su): The witch may use this hex to reward a karmic
boon to those who harm none, or a karmic punishment to those who spurn balance
and spread suffering. Thus creatures of
a good or neutral alignment that are the target of this hex receive a +4
insight bonus which they can apply to a total number of d20 rolls equal to half
of the witch’s class level, these normally being attacks, saving throws, skill
checks, and ability check rolls. These
bonuses must be used within 24 hours of becoming the target of this hex. The target loses these bonuses if they commit
any actions that violate their alignment.
Conversely evil creatures suffer a -4 penalty to a number of d20 rolls
equal to half the witch’s level. The
same types of dice rolls can be affected as with a good or neutral creature. As long as the target is affect by this hex
the witch can chose what rolls take the -4 penalty, although the witch must be
aware of the action the target is taking which he or she wishes to
penalize. As with good creatures these
penalties must be used within 24 hours of the target being affected by this
hex. A Will save negates this effect,
though it is harmless to good and neutral creatures. Regardless of whether or not the save is
successful a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Grand Hexes
Karmic Justice (Su): The witch may use this hex to reward
those with good karma or bring those with bad karma the terrible consequences
they have earned through their cruelty and evil. A good or neutral creature that is the target
of this hex is affected by the spells heal,
greater restoration, and resurrection
if dead. Conversely an evil creature
that is the target of this hex is affected by the harm, bestow curse, and destruction
spells. The target must save against
each spell individually and the save is as noted in the spells
description. Regardless of whether or
not any of the saves were successful a creature cannot be the target of this
hex again for 1 day.